The Environmental Bulletin Board for the Ozarks Region

Gardening with Kids
Gardening with kids can be so very rewarding inside and outside of the classroom. Gardening gives children the appreciation for nature, develops team work, gives practice with mathematical skills, pride of accomplishment, and knowledge they can use the rest of their lives.
Junior Master Gardener Program
Garden related Books from 2005-present listed here
Stay up to date about youth gardening and school gardens between National Children & Youth Garden Symposia.
Green Teacher Green Teacher is dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, promote environmental awareness among young people aged 6-19.
Kids Garden Community A new online platform for gardeners like you. Kids Garden Community is the place to ask questions, explore resources, inspire, and be inspired.
School Garden Support Organization Network The School Garden Support Organization Network is made up of organizations and individuals that support multiple school garden programs at a regional, school district, or state level. The SGSO Network, in partnership with Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation, will host a Growing School Gardens Summit April 22-25.
Plants to the Rescue: Science and ELA Lessons and Activities GR 6-8
Explore natural habitats, climate stability, plant life, and green careers with resources by Scholastic and Seed Your Future
*Kids Curricula and other resources to help teachers, volunteers and parents plan and implement successful youth garden programs.
** Life Lab Resources for schools gardens from a leader in garden-based education for the past 40 years. (NOTE: some links are broken but the search helps to find the topics)
Drip Irrigation and Soaker Hoses Information:
Dripworks: offers 15% discount for school gardens and has incredible resources for DIY irrigation.
Summer in the School Garden: A 40 page guide for summer garden care and volunteer management
Victory Garden:
Historic Colonial Gardens:
Irish Potato Famine:
To highlight history, learn about diversified agricultural practices, potential devastation of introduced disease on plant species, immigration
Dr. Norman Borlaug “the father of the Green Revolution”
Grant opportunities:
Choosing a Garden Curriculum
The suggestions above are just a sampling of educational activities you can use for your gardening program to make the connection between your garden and the curriculum. Fortunately there are many resources available to help you find lessons to fit your needs. Check out the following curriculum books published by Kids Gardening that contain detailed lesson plans and background information to further support your educational program planning:
GrowLab – Developed by NGA and written and field-tested by educators, this curriculum focuses on exploring plant life cycles, examining plant diversity, and investigating the interdependence of plants, humans, and other living and non-living things. This easy-to-follow resource will help you plan and plant an indoor garden and guide you through conducting specific indoor gardening projects.
The Growing Classroom
– Developed by the Life Lab Science Program, this is an excellent collection of classic garden activities. Over 450 pages, includes K-5 activities using science, math, and language arts, along with helpful youth gardening tips and instructions.
Math in the Garden (Looks like it may be out of print, but a library may have it)
– Developed using funding from the National Science Foundation by UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley and Lawrence Hall of Science, this K-8 curriculum was extensively trial-tested by educators nationwide. It includes dozens of hands-on activities to sharpen math skills and promote inquiry, language arts, and nutrition.
Growing Minds-Farm to School:
Journey North
Citizen Science projects: hummingbirds, monarchs, American Robins, Pollinator Patches
Tulips, Weather and Songbird migration, Earthworms, Bald Eagle, Orioles, Leaf-out, ice out, common loons, red-winged blackbirds, frogs, barn swallow, gray whales, sunlight and seasons