The Environmental Bulletin Board for the Ozarks Region

Grants & Funding Opportunites
Ozark Society
(see flyer, click here)
The Ozark Society is a non-profit organization established in Arkansas in 1962 to protect the Buffalo
River and its surrounding wilderness area from development, thus allowing it to remain a free-flowing
and scenic river. Today, the Ozark Society continues to advocate for conservation of natural resources,
preservation of scenic places, and environmental education.
The Youth Grant Program (K through 12th grade) was initiated in 2020. The purpose of this program is to
support youth engagement and participation in conservation and environmental education projects.
Since inception, the program has awarded a total of $53,000 to 33 projects with 7,500 youth
participants from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
Who are beneficiaries of Youth Grants? Grants from $500 - $3,000 are awarded to conservation and
environmental programs in schools or small non-profit organizations from any region in which there is an
active Ozark Society Chapter including central and northwest Arkansas, Springfield Missouri and north
What types of projects are awarded? Proposals should focus on some aspect of conservation or
environmental education, which aligns with principles of the Ozark Society. Examples of more specific
focus for a project are: water quality/stream restoration, preservation of wild spaces or natural
resources, native plant gardens and native tree projects, habitat restoration, sustainability projects,
enhancement of access to nature, and unique/innovative projects that address local environmental
​​​​​Solid Waste Management District O
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
​​​Environmental Issues information on grants and other funding opportunities, Click here
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation
EPA NEWS - EPA Grant Announcements!
Click here to learn more!
​Region 7 BIL and IRA Grants Information click here
Missouri Environmental Education Association:
Environmental Educator Grant
Missouri Prairie Foundation
Prairie Garden Grant Applications. Click here for details.
Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative:
Jerry Wade Youth Habitat and Education Program (YHEP) Grants
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Additional Information:​
Missouri Department of Agriculture
Missouri Recycling Association - MORA
National Recycling Coalition