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A-Canoes Hauling in Trash

Volunteer & Job Opportunities

If you have a paid position open or if you’re looking for a new, challenging career, let us know and we’ll share your information.  If you have a bit of time to donate, a very diverse menu of volunteer projects offer opportunities for service, fellowship and the good feeling of accomplishment that volunteering provides. 

Photo Courtesy of Ronna Haxby



James River Basin Partnership  

Volunteer Opportunities On The Horizon:


March 11th - Pearson Creek Water Quality Monitoring

March 13th - Fassnight Creek Water Quality Monitoring

April 22nd - Earth Day Cleanup

June 7th - River Rescue Cleanup

July 12th - Snapshot Sampling Event




The James River Basin Partnership is seeking to hire a full-time Project Manager. This position is responsible for grant and contract deliverables, annual events, and general support for other activities of the organization. The application deadline is Monday, March 10, 2025.

Learn More

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for tracking deliverables outlined in grants and contracts, including federal 319 grants, small grants, community contracts, and more.

  • Create quarterly and annual reports as outlined in grant and contract obligations.

  • Oversee rebate programs, including advertising, managing communications, processing applications, and reporting.

  • Manage the soil testing program, performing soil tests and creating nutrient management plans.

  • Plan and coordinate water quality monitoring events, keeping equipment clean and organized and staying up to date on trainings and certifications.

  • Contribute to developing educational materials and executing outreach alongside JRBP’s Education Outreach Coordinator.

  • Coordinate annual cleanup events including River Rescue, Earth Day Cleanup, Adopt-A-Stream, and United Way Day of Caring.

  • Serve as volunteer coordinator for JRBP projects and events.

  • Assist in the planning and implementation of annual fundraisers including Sunset Soiree.

  • Occasionally perform media interviews and public presentations.

  • Other duties as assigned.

See Full Description, Qualifications, and Compensation

How to Apply:

Application deadline is Monday, March 10, 2025. Qualified candidates must submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to or mail to:


James River Basin Partnership

Attn: Brent Stock

2754 S. Campbell Ave

Springfield, MO 65807

For questions, please contact:

Brent Stock

(417) 413-0415


Watershed of the Ozarks is hiring Conservation Technicians!

Do you know someone interested in working with the National Park Service to restore and maintain our historic lands?

Please send them our way!

You can find more information here.


Springfield, MO History Museum

Civics Education Coordinator

Job Description


Educational Outreach


Missouri Institute of Natural Science

We are looking for a part-time Museum Assistant to help with administrative tasks. Below is a job description. Let me know if you have any questions - Samantha Forir (MINS Board Member) Go to for more details:


Missouri Prairie Foundation

MEEA is hiring! Deadline:  Until Filled And opening the spring mini-grants! And offering PD! Click here for information.

Missouri Department of Conservation Careers

Missouri Department of Natural Resources: Careers

Springfield-Greene County Library: Jobs and Volunteers


Forestry Job Opening




empower: abilities 

Offers real world experience and volunteer opportunities to help people with disabilities. (a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.  All proceeds benefit persons with disabilities.

If you would like to volunteer, contact 417-866-1188
Services:  Advocacy, information & referral, Peer support, Personal Care, Independent Living Skills, Assistive Technology, Community Access, Home Modifications, Transitions, Youth Services, and Volunteer Options.

Located 2864 S. Nettleton Avenue, Springfield, MO

Springfield-Greene County Library: Jobs and Volunteers

Ozark Greenways


Join the Team:  two seasoal internships with Watershed Natives

We are looking for 4-6 crew members to join the Fellows Lake team this season


If you or someone you know is looking for a seasonal part-time position and loves the water-this is great opportunity to work at Fellows Lake.


The Crew Member position will work closely with Fellows Lake Management to create an all-around great experience for visitors by providing the highest level of customer service and important stewardship information about Fellows Lake. Accepting applications through February 24, 2025.


You can find more information and learn how to apply here

James River Basin Partnership  


MDC Volunteer Opportunities

Keep America Beautiful





Watershed Conservation Corps logo
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