The Environmental Bulletin Board for the Ozarks Region
Native Trees & Plants
Including Pests, Diseases and Invasive Species
“Trees are the Answer!” Professional and trained volunteers are available to assist in selection, care and identification of our beloved trees. Native plants – strong, sturdy and efficient -- like the early explorers and Native Americans who first enjoyed them generations ago – remain a critical part of our natural history and culture. Now valued as an essential component to sustainable landscapes, information about trees and native plants is readily available.
Yard/Garden Certification Programs
A few people had questions about certifying their yard/garden/park as a Pollinator/Monarch/Wildlife/ Native garden. Here are a few links that may help answer those questions. Some projects just ask you to register your area so they can add it to their map/data.
Wildlife Habitat Certification- National Wildlife Federation (NWF.ORG)
Certified Butterfly Garden- North American Butterfly Association (NABA.ORG)
Monarch Waystation project- MonarchWatch.Org
Bring Back the Pollinators- Xerces.Org
S.H.A.R.E- Simply Have Areas Reserved for the Environment- Xerces.Org
MillionPollinatorGardens.Org- Asking people to register their garden to be counted
Pollinator Garden Signs- Pollinator.Org
Native Plant Information Resources (facts, site requirements, blooming period, etc)
MDC Online Field Guide – Learn more about the plants and animals in our state
Native Plant Database- GrowNative.Org
Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder – Makes sure to check “Missouri Natives” and use the Advanced Search
Native Plant Gardening Resources
Native Landscaping Manual- a four-chapter resource from Shaw Nature Reserve (part of the Missouri Botanical Gardens). Chapter 4 is beneficial to all native growers. I love this entire manual and highly suggest you look at it. It even suggests plants for difficult areas.
Native Landscaping Calendar- Grow Native’s website gives basic information about what is happening/what you can do in your garden season by season.
Easy Native Landscape Plans- Overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Look at these predesigned plans and see if any of them suit your needs!
Pollinator Planting Guides- Type in your zip code to get a list of great pollinator friendly plants for your ecoregion. An excellent resource to peek at.
Pollinator Conservation Resources by Region- Some information from the Xerces Society which focuses on invertebrate conservation. They have great planting suggestions as well.
Buying Bee Safe Plants – Xerces Society PDF- How to buy plants which are safe for bees (some plants are pre-treated and can harm beneficial insects)
Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides – Xerces Society PDF
Upcoming Private Landowner Workshops- MDC- Includes some prescribed burns workshops
Local MDC Contacts- Use the drop-down menu to find your county. If you have a large property, you can reach out to a Private Lands Conservationist. Also, a good tool to find your local contacts.
Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder – Makes sure to check “Missouri Natives” and use the Advanced Search
2021 Missouri Community Forestry Council
L-A-D Foundation Annual Report
Bike Walk and Wheel Week
Fourth Annual Trailblazer Challenge
USDA Forest Service
Scientists identify genes tied to ash trees' resistance to emerald ash borer
Missouri Department of Conservation
Forestry: The Stump Newsletter, current and past issues are available at:
Forest Health Alert: Anthracnose of Shade Trees
MDC Maintains Sustainable Forestry Certification
Celebrate Missouri Trees Through Arbor Days
City of Springfield
Urban Forester
Springfield-Greene County Botanical Garden
Arbor Day Foundation
Annual Report
Grow Native!
Trees and Bushes
Tree City
NeighborWoods Program
Tree Registry
Ever wonder if being a Tree City USA, Tree Line USA, or Tree Campus made a difference or not. You have proved it does. The Arbor Day Foundation recently sent out an annual summary of all of Missouri’s Tree City USA information and national summaries of Tree Line USA and Tree Campus Higher Education. It is amazing seeing what you have achieved as a group.
In Missouri alone, there are 110 Tree City USA communities. Together you invested $22,997,122 or an average of $8.36 per resident in your communities. The people living in those communities account for 44.83 percent of Missouri’s total population. You reported planting 37,653 trees in Tree City USA communities. Imagine the benefits these new trees and what they will provide to your communities for years to come.
We are very proud of Missouri State University for being recognized as one of only 9 institutions of higher education in the US to achieve the Tree Campus, USA designation this year. City Utilities of Springfield was one of only 12 utilities that earned the Tree Line, USA, designation. The City of Springfield was also recognized as a Tree City, USA.
Source: Arbor Day Foundation. Special thanks to Jon Skinner, Missouri Dept. of Conservation, for sharing!